Posts Tagged ‘Glossy Black’

Microsoft LifeCam HD-5000 720p HD Webcam – Black



1. High-definition 720p video at 30 fps

2. Sofware package for video tweaking and 3D effects

3. Stable and flexible base

4. Affordable




1. Camera CPU problems for pictures/videos taken at higher resolutions

2. Not compatible with Mac OS

3. Auto-focus is unstable




If you are after HD-quality but don’t want to spend too much, then Microsoft LifeCam HD-5000 is an excellent choice. Even though you may encounter some system problems when capturing at a higher resolution, this camera is still better than most of the webcams available in the market at this price range. This camera is highly recommended to those who desire to improve their video-chatting experience.




Microsoft has guaranteed a real upgrade from the common stock web cameras currently saturating the market nowadays upon their release of LifeCam HD-5000. This webcam is actually the desktop version of the more expensive HD-6000 which is intended for laptops and other mobile devices. HD-5000 is generally designed for desktops which have gaming specs so one can definitely expect it to have problems especially when its 3D effects software is used.


At first glance, HD-5000 and HD-6000 have the same physical appearance: glossy-black with a button on its top to accesss Windows Messenger instantly. However, further inspection will reveal the little details that set apart HD-5000 from HD-6000. HD-6000 is lighter and smaller than HD-5000 primarily because it is designed for laptops. Moreover, since HD-5000 is really intended for desktop usage, its USB cable is longer than that of HD-6000 (since the top of desktop monitors covers a long distance from the CPU in most setups). HD-5000 has a stationary while HD-6000 has a mounted base that is capable of a full 360-degree swivel.


HD-5000 also has a bundled software utility which has to be installed first before the camera can be used. Users are advised to check for driver updates before actually using the camera for a better experience.
Sale Price:[productprice id=B002XN7C6W web=com]
